Our Beliefs About Investing!
A step-by-step real estate system for eager, young, or even veteran real estate investors who are looking to generate consistent real estate deals using no money, no credit, and little experience. We turn 9-5 employees into entrepreneurs with an expert understanding in the field of investing. Developed by 2 real estate professionals with over 30 years of experience

Leveraging Money
Financial literacy is essential in real estate investing and we help our investors leverage our money to give them sufficient cash on cash return. We have witnessed many investors use insufficient loaning strategies to fund their real estate deals but we advocate for a better way! Leverage our money to increase your return on investment!
Network & Relationships
Here at House Tur Investments, LLC we believe in cultivating a family environment for our investors! Through our 25+ years of experience in real estate investing, we have realized that working together leads to less risk and longevity in this profession. As our investing family gets bigger, we all work together to make more money!

Managing Risk & Deploying Strategy
As stated previously, we don't encourage any of our investors to go into any project without beginning with the end in mind. It is of upmost importance that you plan your project out and crunch numbers. Investing in real estate takes guts and it's important that you take strategic risk and manage what you can. We supply our investors with not only the money but the tools to take strategic risks!